Training and Development
In addition to the Early Career Framework and National Professional Qualifications, there is also a variety of other high-quality CPD programmes available, covering all phases.
Please click on the relevant sections below to find out more, or click the green button to visit the booking system.
Our colleagues at the Children's Hospital School offer a wide range of CPD programmes and support, and further details of their offer can be found here - Children's Hospital School.
Information about the CPD and support available from the Inclusion & SEND Hub at Ash Field Academy can be found here - Inclusion & SEND Hub - including the Engagement Model and SEND in the Mainstream.
TELA (Thomas Estley Learning Alliance) also offer a range of professional development opportunities and further details can be found here - TELA.
Our colleagues at The Mead Institute for Professional Learning also offer training, coaching and professional development opportunities. Further information can be found here - The Mead Institute
Avoiding Confusion and Challenging Misconceptions in Primary History
This series of practical webinars will identify what confuses pupils in primary history and show how such confusion and misconceptions can be avoided and challenged. Through examples of careful planning and activities, the webinars will show how pupils can develop an accurate and nuanced understanding of chronology and change, cause and consequence, historical interpretations, and significance, in line with the National Curriculum and current Ofsted expectations. The webinars will also demonstrate how best to use sources in the classroom and improve pupil handling of original evidence.
Please click on the date links below for further information and booking:
Avoiding confusion with chronology and change - Tuesday 5th November, 4pm to 5.30pm
Avoiding confusion with cause and consequence - Wednesday 4th December, 4pm to 5.30pm
Avoiding confusion with historical interpretations - Tuesday 14th January, 4pm to 5.30pm
Avoiding confusion with significance - Tuesday 25th February, 4pm to 5.30pm
Avoiding confusion with handling evidence - Wednesday 26th March, 4pm to 5.30pm
The workshops will cost £30 per person, per workshop, or all 5 workshops can be booked for £120.
The training will be led by Andrew Wrenn, a knowledgeable history specialist and an honorary fellow of the Historical Association. He is an experienced teacher, trainer and writer, former LA adviser, and author and co-author of educational materials, articles and books
Primary Geography Workshop Series
The workshop series will be led by Jackie Zammit, a geography specialist who leads primary geography networks in the West Midlands and London and a consultant with the Geographical Association. Jackie has taught for the Field Studies Council, worked with teachers on development issues and was a regional coordinator for the Global Learning Programme. She is currently an Associate Practitioner with Lifeworlds Learning, supporting outdoor learning and fieldwork at two residential centres and co-producing educational resources for PositiveNegatives, an animation company.
Workshop One - Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Subject leadership with a focus on geographical concepts
This session will explore all you need to know to be an effective Primary Geography Subject Lead. You will go away with tools to help you support your colleagues, audit your existing curriculum and develop it further to create a high quality curriculum that meets the needs of your pupils. We will also look at the role of geographical concepts and how these can be used to help organise your planning.
Workshop Two - Thursday 13th February 2025
Fieldwork at KS1 & KS2
Fieldwork is integral to Geography and can be easier to deliver than you might think. We will explore the range of techniques available to us and how children can make progress with their fieldwork skills. There will be lots of ideas to take away for use in your school grounds and local area. We will also take a look at virtual fieldwork opportunities and consider their potential within your curriculum.
Workshop Three - Monday 10th March 2025
Localities and regions - making the progression
Place is a key geographical concept that threads through the curriculum. We will look at how children can progress in their understanding of place from EYFS, through KS1 and KS2. We will look at progression in terms of scale (local to regional) and depth of knowledge, enquiry and skills. We will draw on Leicester and the surrounding area for inspiration.
Workshop Four - Wednesday 2nd April 2025
Mapwork at KS1 & KS2
An activity based session exploring ideas and resources for developing mapwork in your school. We will explore map reading, map making, wayfinding and environmental awareness. We will also touch on digital mapping. Progression frameworks will be available for you to take away.
Workshop Five - Tuesday 6th May 2025
Sustainability - what are the opportunities in primary geography?
With the DfE setting a target for all education settings to have a sustainability lead and a climate action plan in place by 2025, we will explore the opportunities for primary Geography. We will look at Sustainability as a concept that can run across the curriculum.
Workshop Six - Wednesday 4th June
Teaching distant places at KS1 & KS2
We will look at how an enquiry approach can help us teach about distant places. We will think about common misconceptions, where they come from and how to address them when they arise. The session will draw on photographs and videos from different parts of the world.
Please click on the blue titles above to book a place, or visit our online booking system.
Primary History Workshops for KS1 and KS2
The training will be led by Andrew Wrenn, a knowledgeable history specialist and an honorary fellow of the Historical Association. He is an experienced teacher, trainer and writer, former LA adviser, and author and co-author of educational materials, articles and books.
Workshop 1 - Gauging the Impact of Quality Curriculum Design
Tuesday, 20th May 2025, 4pm to 5.30pm
This practical webinar will share three case studies from different primary schools who came out well in Primary History deep dives during OFSTED inspections. By hearing about their success, in contrasting sizes and types of schools and settings, attendees will see how quality curriculum design in Primary History can make a fundamental difference to the impact on pupil learning.
Workshop 2 - Rich Encounters with the Past: Conclusions from the Recent OFSTED Survey of Primary History
Wednesday, 11th June 2025, 4pm to 5.30pm
This practical webinar will disseminate the main conclusions of the 2023 OFSTED subject review report, Rich Encounters with the Past, which includes examples of good and poor practice from a detailed survey of recent deep dives in Primary History. Suggestions will be made around how the primary schools identified as having poor practice might have made improvements to their delivery of the subject.
Workshop 3 - From Flint to Iron: Boosting Subject Knowledge at KS2
Wednesday 18th June 2025, 4pm to 5.30pm
This practical webinar will provide an academic overview of the KS2 NC study unit ‘Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age’, boosting subject knowledge and giving teachers more confidence in their delivery. It will include an outline of a medium term plan for the content, including rigorous historical enquiry questions linked to disciplinary concepts, with suggested activities for immediate use in the classroom.
Workshop 4 - Teaching History within Living Memory at KS1
Tuesday, 1st July 2025, 4pm to 5.30pm
This practical webinar will demonstrate how subject leaders and KS1 teachers can plan effectively for teaching primary history within living memory (an NC requirement), building on Past and Present in EYFS with carefully devised historical enquiry questions, matched to interesting and motivating activities which also lay foundations for a successful KS2.
Please visit our online booking system to book a place.
Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) status is a recognised progression route for school support staff that can make a real difference to schools and pupils.
It provides confidence, capability, and credibility to carry out advanced roles in teaching and learning.
Details of what’s included can be found on the BPN website:
Applicants are asked to state whether they have been recommended to the programme and should select ‘Leicester and Leicestershire Teaching School Hub’ from the drop-down list as well as inputting the partner code ‘LLTSH’ (in order to gain a place on the Leicester cohort).
*Applicants using the 'LLTSH' code will receive a £50 discount.